[meta-freescale] default root password or password request

Lucas Nunes ldnunes at ossystems.com.br
Thu Nov 13 06:04:46 PST 2014

2014-11-13 11:52 GMT-02:00 <Matthias.Heise at atlas-elektronik.com>:

> Thank you very much, will try, just another question to that : how is that
> „default” user “root” added in the first place ?

If I'm reading the source correctly, this is done by poky, on the following


can’t I also tweak on that site ?

While you can do that for testing, it is really not recommended. You should
change the source if you intend to create a patch to send back to the

A better approach would be to create your own layer,
"meta-atlas-elektronik" or
something like that, and do any changes on it. That way you can keep the
source code updated with the community while only maintaining your specific

I added back the meta-freescale list email to the CC. Please use the "Reply
when replying to e-mails from the list, so others can see it.

Lucas Dutra Nunes
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