[meta-freescale] matchbox-keyboard - virtual keyboard loses focus in a web browser “password” field

Flavio Suligoi f.suligoi at asem.it
Thu Jun 26 07:18:19 PDT 2014

Hi all,

I built a Linux distro using Yocto, for an i.MX53 based web-kiosk application.

The system works without any mouse or physical keyboard, but using only the touchscreen and a virtual keyboard, in particular the "matchbox-keyboard".
The matchbox-keyboard runs as a daemons, as usually in these kind of application and appears automatically when the focus is on some text field.
It works good, for normal applications. For example, when I open e terminal console, the matchbox-keyboard pops up correctly.

Now, with a web browser (both Chromium and Firefox), entering in a typical "login" web page, all works good for the "username" field (the keyboard focus is correct and the matchbox-keyboard pops up automatically), but, after pressing TAB to fill the "password" field, the matchbox-keyboard disappears.
And the keyboard doesn't appears even if you try to enter in the "password" text field directly, using the touchscreen.

This is a big problem working in "kiosk mode", when only the browser is running, in full-screen mode, and there are no other ways to start the keyboard.
Did anybody find a solution to solve this problem?




Flavio Suligoi

 Engineer - Firmware


Via Buia, 4

33011 Artegna (UD) – Italia

Tel. +39.0432.967477

Fax +39.0432.977467

E-mail    : f.suligoi at asem.it

Internet: www.asem.it

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