[meta-freescale] FlexCAN not working

Eric Nelson eric.nelson at boundarydevices.com
Fri Oct 11 15:11:07 PDT 2013

On 10/11/2013 11:55 AM, Jose Mª Ferreiro wrote:
> You are correct. I didn´t look well for it. It seems as it depends on a
> third GPIO signal to select one transceiver or the other. We will test
> it on monday.
> I would like to use linux-boundary, wich was the default, but we have to
> change to linux-imx due to video issues that did not work on
> linux-boundary: something about mfw_isink i think.

Can you elaborate? I'm not aware of any board-specific code in
mfw_isink, and certainly not in the Nitrogen6x code.

> I readed about the two linux branches, boundary and imx, being merged
> for the board but we can not wait for it. So I suppose we will have to
> test and merge them by ourselves .. with your help :) Any recomendation
> are welcomed.
The current versions of meta-fsl-arm-extra have imx6qsabrelite pointed
at nitrogen6x:



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