[meta-freescale] Request to integrate freescale i.mx 3.10.9-1.0.0 alpha release into dora branch of meta-fsl-arm

Eric Nelson eric.nelson at boundarydevices.com
Wed Oct 2 09:51:23 PDT 2013

Thanks Lauren,

These details are very helpful.

On 10/02/2013 08:41 AM, Post Lauren-RAA013 wrote:
> 3.10.9 will be a GA kernel by early next year.
> 3.5.7-alpha2 is just graphics package (fixes beyond 3.0.35-4.1.0
 > based on p12 version)
And Device-tree support... This clearly made major strides leading to
3.10 and main-line.

> 3.10.9-1.0.0_alpha graphics is still p12 based with additional fixes
 > beyond 3.5.7-alpha2 so it should replace 3.5.7-alpha2.

Thanks again. We should be able to examine the changes and
look for ABI-compatibility.

 > 3.10.9 also provides full Weston-wayland support.
> We understand that 3.0.35-4.1.0 is the current GA current and is preferred
 > by those wanting a stable kernel.  Just note that the non-kernel
 > packages are pretty close to the 3.0.35-4.1.0 release that just
 > came out in August so I'm not that worried about stability.

Stability hasn't been an issue with our testing of 3.5.7, but
there were significant gaps for things like PCIe, cameras, and
such (at least for us).

 > I built with community 3.0.35 and community uboot 2013.10 and
 > had no problems with non-kernel 3.10.9 components.
> Unfortunately  we don't have test resources to test 3.0.35-4.1.0
 > with 3.10.9-1.0.0 non-kernel components but my sanity test showed
 > it worked.  Imx-test requires one update for a header name change
 > between the kernels that I've sent to Otavio.

We should be able to help here. After all, "community" is a two-way
street, right?

> The 3.10.9 release has all the imx6 boards including imx6 solo
 > lite and it went through a full test cycle for our alpha release
 > (and will go through more test cycles for beta and ga).
> The goal is to get this integrated so that our GA 3.10.9 kernel
 > will be on a stable yocto branch.
 > Our future 3.10.9 beta and GA will be based on the dora branch
 > not the master branch.
> Our other option is just release on our release layer
 > meta-fsl-bsp-release and that is normally our plan but since
 > dora is just coming out we asked for an exception for this
 > time since our GA will be complete far before Yocto 1.6 is available.
Sounds good to me.



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