[meta-freescale] install python on target

Trevor Woerner trevor.woerner at linaro.org
Wed Jun 26 08:12:13 PDT 2013

On 24 June 2013 03:03, Erik Botö <erik.boto at pelagicore.com> wrote:
> If you look in tmp/deploy/rpm/armv7a_vfp_neon/ (or the one
> corresponding to your arch) you'll see that even though the recipe is
> called "python" there is no package called "python".

Yes, this is entirely correct.

For what it's worth, another way to see which packages are available
from a given recipe is to run:

    $ bitbake -e <recipe> | grep "^PACKAGES="

$ bitbake -e python | grep "^PACKAGES="
PACKAGES="libpython2 python-dbg python-2to3 python-audio python-bsddb
python-codecs python-compile python-compiler python-compression
python-core python-crypt python-ctypes python-curses python-datetime
python-db python-debugger python-dev python-difflib
python-distutils-staticdev python-distutils python-doctest
python-elementtree python-email python-fcntl python-gdbm
python-hotshot python-html python-idle python-image python-io
python-json python-lang python-logging python-mailbox python-math
python-mime python-mmap python-multiprocessing python-netclient
python-netserver python-numbers python-pickle python-pkgutil
python-pprint python-profile python-pydoc python-re python-readline
python-resource python-robotparser python-shell python-smtpd
python-sqlite3 python-sqlite3-tests python-stringold python-subprocess
python-syslog python-terminal python-tests python-textutils
python-threading python-tkinter python-unittest python-unixadmin
python-xml python-xmlrpc python-zlib python-modules python-misc

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