[meta-freescale] vpudec doe not like "queue(2)" - Was: Gstreamer pipeline problem

Chris Tapp opensource at keylevel.com
Tue Jul 16 12:15:16 PDT 2013

Ok, I've now got this easily reproducible:

export GST_DEBUG="*:2"

1) gst-launch playbin2 uri=http://media.w3.org/2010/05/sintel/trailer.webm
2) gst-launch playbin2 uri=http://media.w3.org/2010/05/sintel/trailer.webm video-sink="multiqueue ! mfw_v4lsink"
3) gst-launch playbin2 uri=http://media.w3.org/2010/05/sintel/trailer.webm video-sink="queue ! mfw_v4lsink"
4) gst-launch playbin2 uri=http://media.w3.org/2010/05/sintel/trailer.webm video-sink="queue2 ! mfw_v4lsink"

Playback for 1) and 2) is good, where as playback for 3) and 4) it starts of choppy, stalls and gets lots of messages of the form:

0:00:00.472157023  7566 0x40d60150 WARN    vpudec vpudec.c:1578:gst_vpudec_chain: Got no frame buffer message, return 0x89, 10 frames in displaying queue!!

GST_DEBUG=GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY:3 shows that playbin2 without the video-sink property uses 'multiqueue'.

So, it looks as if there's an issue with 'vpudec' when the pipeline includes a 'queue' or 'queue2' element.

Is this the best place to report this, or does it need to go somewhere else?

Chris Tapp

opensource at keylevel.com

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