[meta-freescale] Wandboard Quad experience (good!)

Chris Tapp opensource at keylevel.com
Tue Jul 9 14:38:04 PDT 2013

Thanks to help from Otavio and others, I now have an image building for the Wandboard Quad.

I've built a custom OpenGLES application running under EGL (which I normally run on a Cedar Trail platform) and it's mostly running as expected - just need to work out why my gstreamer pipeline isn't working.

The only bit that I had to work round was broadcom-nvram-config, which resulted in:

NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'linux-firmware-INVALID' (but /media/SSD-RAID/meta-fsl-arm-extra-git/recipes-bsp/broadcom-nvram-config/broadcom-nvram-config.bb RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
NOTE: Runtime target 'linux-firmware-INVALID' is unbuildable, removing...

I got round this by commenting out:

MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += " broadcom-nvram-config"

in the machine file.

Chris Tapp

opensource at keylevel.com

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