[linux-yocto] [PATCH 29/30] ARM: 7668/1: fix memset-related crashes caused by recent GCC (4.7.2) optimizations

Charlie Paul cpaul.windriver at gmail.com
Thu May 1 08:29:51 PDT 2014

From: Ivan Djelic <ivan.djelic at parrot.com>

commit 455bd4c430b0c0a361f38e8658a0d6cb469942b5 upstream.

Recent GCC versions (e.g. GCC-4.7.2) perform optimizations based on
assumptions about the implementation of memset and similar functions.
The current ARM optimized memset code does not return the value of
its first argument, as is usually expected from standard implementations.

For instance in the following function:

void debug_mutex_lock_common(struct mutex *lock, struct mutex_waiter *waiter)
	memset(waiter, MUTEX_DEBUG_INIT, sizeof(*waiter));
	waiter->magic = waiter;

compiled as:

800554d0 <debug_mutex_lock_common>:
800554d0:       e92d4008        push    {r3, lr}
800554d4:       e1a00001        mov     r0, r1
800554d8:       e3a02010        mov     r2, #16 ; 0x10
800554dc:       e3a01011        mov     r1, #17 ; 0x11
800554e0:       eb04426e        bl      80165ea0 <memset>
800554e4:       e1a03000        mov     r3, r0
800554e8:       e583000c        str     r0, [r3, #12]
800554ec:       e5830000        str     r0, [r3]
800554f0:       e5830004        str     r0, [r3, #4]
800554f4:       e8bd8008        pop     {r3, pc}

GCC assumes memset returns the value of pointer 'waiter' in register r0; causing
register/memory corruptions.

This patch fixes the return value of the assembly version of memset.
It adds a 'mov' instruction and merges an additional load+store into
existing load/store instructions.
For ease of review, here is a breakdown of the patch into 4 simple steps:

Step 1
Perform the following substitutions:
ip -> r8, then
r0 -> ip,
and insert 'mov ip, r0' as the first statement of the function.
At this point, we have a memset() implementation returning the proper result,
but corrupting r8 on some paths (the ones that were using ip).

Step 2
Make sure r8 is saved and restored when (! CALGN(1)+0) == 1:

save r8:
-       str     lr, [sp, #-4]!
+       stmfd   sp!, {r8, lr}

and restore r8 on both exit paths:
-       ldmeqfd sp!, {pc}               @ Now <64 bytes to go.
+       ldmeqfd sp!, {r8, pc}           @ Now <64 bytes to go.
        tst     r2, #16
        stmneia ip!, {r1, r3, r8, lr}
-       ldr     lr, [sp], #4
+       ldmfd   sp!, {r8, lr}

Step 3
Make sure r8 is saved and restored when (! CALGN(1)+0) == 0:

save r8:
-       stmfd   sp!, {r4-r7, lr}
+       stmfd   sp!, {r4-r8, lr}

and restore r8 on both exit paths:
        bgt     3b
-       ldmeqfd sp!, {r4-r7, pc}
+       ldmeqfd sp!, {r4-r8, pc}
        tst     r2, #16
        stmneia ip!, {r4-r7}
-       ldmfd   sp!, {r4-r7, lr}
+       ldmfd   sp!, {r4-r8, lr}

Step 4
Rewrite register list "r4-r7, r8" as "r4-r8".

Signed-off-by: Ivan Djelic <ivan.djelic at parrot.com>
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Pitre <nico at linaro.org>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Behme <dirk.behme at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Russell King <rmk+kernel at arm.linux.org.uk>
Cc: Eric Bénard <eric at eukrea.com>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh at linuxfoundation.org>
 arch/arm/lib/memset.S |   22 +++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/lib/memset.S b/arch/arm/lib/memset.S
index 94b0650..1039023 100644
--- a/arch/arm/lib/memset.S
+++ b/arch/arm/lib/memset.S
@@ -14,11 +14,27 @@
 	.align	5
+	.word	0
+1:	subs	r2, r2, #4		@ 1 do we have enough
+	blt	5f			@ 1 bytes to align with?
+	cmp	r3, #2			@ 1
+	strltb	r1, [ip], #1		@ 1
+	strleb	r1, [ip], #1		@ 1
+	strb	r1, [ip], #1		@ 1
+	add	r2, r2, r3		@ 1 (r2 = r2 - (4 - r3))
+ * The pointer is now aligned and the length is adjusted.  Try doing the
+ * memset again.
+ */
-	ands	r3, r0, #3		@ 1 unaligned?
-	mov	ip, r0			@ preserve r0 as return value
-	bne	6f			@ 1
+ * Preserve the contents of r0 for the return value.
+ */
+	mov	ip, r0
+	ands	r3, ip, #3		@ 1 unaligned?
+	bne	1b			@ 1
  * we know that the pointer in ip is aligned to a word boundary.

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