[Automated-testing] syzkaller reproducers

Richard Palethorpe rpalethorpe at suse.de
Tue Oct 8 05:37:17 PDT 2019


Dmitry Vyukov <dvyukov at google.com> writes:

> Hi Shuah,
> We discussed collecting and uploading all syzkaller reproducers
> somewhere. You wanted to see how they look. I've uploaded all current
> reproducers here:
> https://github.com/dvyukov/syzkaller-repros
> Minimalistic build/run scripts are included.
> +some testing mailing lists too as this can be used as a test suite
> If you have any potential uses for this, you are welcome to use it.
> But then we probably need to find some more official and shared place
> for them than my private github.
> The test programs can also be bulk updated if necessary, because all
> of this is auto-generated.
> Thanks

I discussed this a bit with Metan. We think it would be fairly trivial
to create an LTP wrapper for these.

So we just create an LTP test which forks and execs one of these
reproducers then checks for kernel taints after the child completes or
is killed. It can take the reproducer path as an argument and we can
generate a runtest file with all the reproducers in that we are able to

I imagine a lot of these reproducers will not work on older kernels, so
this would just be a best efforts basis. We would ignore any problems
during execution unless there is a kernel error.

This should work with existing LTP runners with maybe a minor change or
two to building and configuration.

I will start experimenting with this and post the results to the LTP
mailing list.

Thank you,

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