[Automated-testing] Test stack survey - LKFT

Milosz Wasilewski milosz.wasilewski at linaro.org
Tue Oct 2 06:34:25 PDT 2018

== Survey Questions ==
* What is the name of your test framework?

"Linux Kernel Functional Testing (LKFT)"

Which of the aspects below of the CI loop does your test framework perform?

The answers can be: "yes", "no", or "provided by the user".
Where the answer is not simply yes or no, an explanation is appreciated.

For example, in Fuego, Jenkins is used for trigger detection (that is,
to detect new SUT versions), but the user must install the Jenkins
module and configure this themselves.  So Fuego supports triggers, but
does not provide them pre-configured for the user.

If the feature is provided by a named component in your system (or by
an external module), please provide the name of that module.

Does your test framework:
==== source code access ====
* access source code repositories for the software under test?
* access source code repositories for the test software?
* include the source for the test software?
* provide interfaces for developers to perform code reviews?
* detect that the software under test has a new version?
** if so, how? (e.g. polling a repository, a git hook, scanning a mail
list, etc.)
"jenkins trigger on repository change"
* detect that the test software has a new version?
"no - use always the latest one or the leave it to the user"

==== test definitions ====
Does your test system:
* have a test definition repository?
** if so, what data format or language is used (e.g. yaml, json, shell script)
"yaml - wraps around shell/python scripts or executables"

Does your test definition include:
* source code (or source code location)?
"yes - both"
* dependency information?
"yes/no - test scripts have to make sure that dependencies are met,
but it's not enforced"
* execution instructions?
* command line variants?
* environment variants?
* setup instructions?
"leave it to user - test setup is partially performed by execution
engine (LAVA) and partially by test scripts"
* cleanup instructions?
** if anything else, please describe:

Does your test system:
* provide a set of existing tests?
** if so, how many?
Hard to say. Currently we're running LTP, kselftest andlibhugetlbfs,
but there are a couple more tests available.

==== build management ====
Does your test system:
* build the software under test (e.g. the kernel)?
* build the test software?
* build other software (such as the distro, libraries, firmware)?
* support cross-compilation?
* require a toolchain or build system for the SUT?

* require a toolchain or build system for the test software?
* come with pre-built toolchains?
* store the build artifacts for generated software?
** in what format is the build metadata stored (e.g. json)?
"json, key-value properties files"
** are the build artifacts stored as raw files or in a database?
"raw files"
*** if a database, what database?

==== Test scheduling/management ====
Does your test system:
* check that dependencies are met before a test is run?
"yes - as a part of test job setup"
* schedule the test for the DUT?
** select an appropriate individual DUT based on SUT or test attributes?
** reserve the DUT?
** release the DUT?
* install the software under test to the DUT?
* install required packages before a test is run?
"leave to user - dependency installation can be part of a test execution"
* require particular bootloader on the DUT? (e.g. grub, uboot, etc.)
* deploy the test program to the DUT?
* prepare the test environment on the DUT?
* start a monitor (another process to collect data) on the DUT?
"no - test monitoring happens over serial connection to DUT"
* start a monitor on external equipment?
* initiate the test on the DUT?
* clean up the test environment on the DUT?

==== DUT control ====
Does your test system:
* store board configuration data?
** in what format?
"jinja2 - part of LAVA configuration"
* store external equipment configuration data?
** in what format?
"jinja2 - part of LAVA configuration"
* power cycle the DUT?
* monitor the power usage during a run?
* gather a kernel trace during a run?
* claim other hardware resources or machines (other than the DUT) for
use during a test?
"leave to user - can be configured as part of a test job"
* reserve a board for interactive use (ie remove it from automated testing)?
"leave to user - requires ssh access to DUT"
* provide a web-based control interface for the lab?
* provide a CLI control interface for the lab?

==== Run artifact handling ====
Does your test system:
* store run artifacts
** in what format?
"leave to user - uploaded files are generated during the test, which
is controlled by user"
* put the run meta-data in a database?
** if so, which database?
* parse the test logs for results?
* convert data from test logs into a unified format?
** if so, what is the format?
* evaluate pass criteria for a test (e.g. ignored results, counts or
* do you have a common set of result names: (e.g. pass, fail, skip, etc.)
** if so, what are they?
"pass, fail, skip, xfail (for ignored failed test)"

* How is run data collected from the DUT?
pushing from DUT over serial line
** e.g. by pushing from the DUT, or pulling from a server?
* How is run data collected from external equipment?
same as for DUT - any external equipment is considered a DUT
* Is external equipment data parsed?

==== User interface ====
Does your test system:
* have a visualization system?
* show build artifacts to users?
* show run artifacts to users?
* do you have a common set of result colors?
** if so, what are they?
"red - fail
green - pass
yellow - skip
blue - xfail
grey - total"
* generate reports for test runs?
* notify users of test results by e-mail?

* can you query (aggregate and filter) the build meta-data?
* can you query (aggregate and filter) the run meta-data?

* what language or data format is used for online results
presentation? (e.g. HTML, Javascript, xml, etc.)
* what language or data format is used for reports? (e.g. PDF, excel, etc.)
"HTML, txt"

* does your test system have a CLI control tool?
** what is it called?

==== Languages: ====
Examples: json, python, yaml, C, javascript, etc.
* what is the base language of your test framework core?

What languages or data formats is the user required to learn?
(as opposed to those used internally)
"yaml - as test definition description for LAVA"

==== Can a user do the following with your test framework: ====
* manually request that a test be executed (independent of a CI trigger)?
* see the results of recent tests?
* set the pass criteria for a test?
** set the threshold value for a benchmark test?
"not yet (WiP)"
** set the list of testcase results to ignore?
* provide a rating for a test? (e.g. give it 4 stars out of 5)
* customize a test?
** alter the command line for the test program?
** alter the environment of the test program?
** specify to skip a testcase?
** set a new expected value for a test?
** edit the test program source?
* customize the notification criteria?
** customize the notification mechanism (eg. e-mail, text)
* generate a custom report for a set of runs?
* save the report parameters to generate the same report in the future?

==== Requirements ====
Does your test framework:
* require minimum software on the DUT?
* require minimum hardware on the DUT (e.g. memory)
** If so, what? (e.g. POSIX shell or some other interpreter, specific
libraries, command line tools, etc.)
"software - POSIX shell
 - boot on power
 - serial line with unique ID
 - 'not-crazy' bootloader"
* require agent software on the DUT? (e.g. extra software besides
production software)
** If so, what agent?
"lava helper scripts (LAVA overlay) that gets installed during setup
phase; adb for android based testing"
* is there optional agent software or libraries for the DUT?
* require external hardware in your labs?
"yes - power relays, managed USB hubs"

==== APIS ====
Does your test framework:
* use existing APIs or data formats to interact within itself, or with
3rd-party modules?
* have a published API for any of its sub-module interactions (any of
the lines in the diagram)?
** Please provide a link or links to the APIs?
LAVA XML-RPC: https://validation.linaro.org/api/help/
LAVA ZMQ: didn't find any docs, sorry :(
Jenkins API: https://ci.linaro.org/api/
SQUAD REST API: https://qa-reports.linaro.org/api/

Sorry - this is kind of open-ended...
* What is the nature of the APIs you currently use?
Are they:
** RPCs?
** Unix-style? (command line invocation, while grabbing sub-tool output)
** compiled libraries?
** interpreter modules or libraries?
** web-based APIs?
** something else?

==== Relationship to other software: ====
* what major components does your test framework use (e.g. Jenkins,
Mondo DB, Squad, Lava, etc.)
Jenkins - for building SUT
LAVA - for test scheduling and execution
SQUAD - for result collection, aggregation and reporting
test-definitons.git - for test description, skip lists and known issues
* does your test framework interoperate with other test frameworks or software?
"leave to user"
** which ones?
3rd party test suites can be used however they usually require wrapper scripts

== Overview ==
Please list the major components of your test system.

Please list your major components here:
* Jenkins - for building SUT
* LAVA - for test scheduling and execution
* SQUAD - for result collection, aggregation and reporting
* test-definitons.git - for test description, skip lists and known issues

== Glossary ==
Here is a glossary of terms.  Please indicate if your system uses
different terms for these concepts.
Also, please suggest any terms or concepts that are missing.

* Bisection - automatic testing of SUT variations to find the source
of a problem
* Boot - to start the DUT from an off state
* Build artifact - item created during build of the software under test
* Build manager (build server) - a machine that performs builds of the
software under test
* Dependency - indicates a pre-requisite that must be filled in order
for a test to run (e.g. must have root access, must have 100 meg of
memory, some program must be installed, etc.)
* Device under test (DUT) - the hardware or product being tested
(consists of hardware under test and software under test) (also
'board', 'target')
* Deploy - put the test program or SUT on the DUT
** this one is ambiguous - some people use this to refer to SUT
installation, and others to test installation
* Device under Test (DUT) - a product, board or device that is being tested
* DUT controller - program and hardware for controlling a DUT (reboot,
provision, etc.)
* DUT scheduler - program for managing access to a DUT (take
online/offline, make available for interactive use)
** This is not shown in the CI Loop diagram - it could be the same as
the Test Scheduler
* Lab - a collection of resources for testing one or more DUTs (also
'board farm')
* Log - one of the run artifacts - output from the test program or
test framework
* Log Parsing - extracting information from a log into a
machine-processable format (possibly into a common format)
* Monitor - a program or process to watch some attribute (e.g. power)
while the test is running
** This can be on or off the DUT.
* Notification - communication based on results of test (triggered by
results and including results)
* Pass criteria - set of constraints indicating pass/fail conditions for a test
* Provision (verb) - arrange the DUT and the lab environment
(including other external hardware) for a test
** This may include installing the SUT to the device under test and
booting the DUT.
* Report generation - generation of run data into a formatted output
* Request (noun) - a request to execute a test
* Result - the status indicated by a test - pass/fail (or something
else) for a Run
* Results query - Selection and filtering of data from runs, to find patterns
* Run (noun) - an execution instance of a test (in Jenkins, a build)
* Run artifact - item created during a run of the test program
* Serial console - the Linux console connected over a serial connection
* Software under test (SUT) - the software being tested
* Test agent - software running on the DUT that assists in test
operations (e.g. test deployment, execution, log gathering, debugging
** One example would be 'adb', for Android-based systems)
* Test definition - meta-data and software that comprise a particular test
* Test program - a script or binary on the DUT that performs the test
* Test scheduler - program for scheduling tests (selecting a DUT for a
test, reserving it, releasing it)
* Test software - source and/or binary that implements the test
* Transport (noun) - the method of communicating and transferring data
between the test system and the DUT
* Trigger (noun) - an event that causes the CI loop to start
* Variant - arguments or data that affect the execution and output of
a test (e.g. test program command line; Fuego calls this a 'spec')
* Visualization - allowing the viewing of test artifacts, in
aggregated form (e.g. multiple runs plotted in a single diagram)

Best Regards,

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