[Automated-testing] [PATCH v3] devauto: Method Implementation for np0801dt

Edwin Plauchu edwin.plauchu.camacho at linux.intel.com
Thu Jun 30 13:00:43 PDT 2016

From: Edwin Plauchu <edwin.plauchu.camacho at intel.com>

The remote power management system NP-0801D(T) has been implemented.

Signed-off-by: Edwin Plauchu <edwin.plauchu.camacho at intel.com>
 devauto/rps/hw/np0801dt.py | 105 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 devauto/rps/hw/rpsgen.py   |  20 +++++++--
 2 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devauto/rps/hw/np0801dt.py b/devauto/rps/hw/np0801dt.py
index b1a456d..fec8752 100644
--- a/devauto/rps/hw/np0801dt.py
+++ b/devauto/rps/hw/np0801dt.py
@@ -5,9 +5,106 @@ At the time of the implementation, the reference website is:
-from rpsgen import RPSGen
+from rpsgen import RPSGen, RPSGenHwException, RPSGenFailException
 class np0801dt(RPSGen):
-    outlet_count=8
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(outlet_count)
+    __SLOT_STATUS = {'ON':1, 'OFF':0}
+    __SLOT_MAX = 8
+    __DEFAULT_ADMIN = 'admin'
+    __DEFAULT_PASSWORD = 'admin'
+    __FAIL_CODE = b'$AF'
+    __ACTIONS = {
+        'AlterAllSlots':{'inst_code':'$A7', 'breathe_time':6},
+        'AlterSlot':{'inst_code':'$A3', 'breathe_time':2},
+    }
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(np0801dt, self).__init__(self.__SLOT_MAX)
+        self.__device_ip = kwargs.get('device_ip', self.__DEFAULT_SERVER_IP)
+        self.__adm_auth_info = {
+            'username':kwargs.get('username', self.__DEFAULT_ADMIN),
+            'password':kwargs.get('password', self.__DEFAULT_PASSWORD),
+        }
+    def __exec_inst(self, inst_code, breathe_time, cmd_arg_1, cmd_arg_2):
+        """Execute instruction over switch."""
+        import urllib.parse
+        import urllib.error
+        import time
+        url_params = [inst_code]
+        args = [ d for d in (cmd_arg_1, cmd_arg_2) if d or d == 0 ]
+        for a in (args):
+            arg_str = a if isinstance(a, str) else str(a)
+            if arg_str:
+                url_params.append(" ")
+                url_params.append(arg_str)
+        try:
+            reply = self.__inject(urllib.parse.unquote(''.join(url_params)))
+            time.sleep(breathe_time)
+        except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError) as error:
+            raise RPSGenHwException("Problems with np-0801dt CGI-API", error)
+    def __inject(self, data):
+        """Injects an instruction in np-0801dx CGI-API.
+        It shall receive an unquote string to be pushed as parameters of a
+        HTTP-GET request
+        """
+        import urllib.request
+        import base64
+        from array import array
+        auth_str = "{0}:{1}".format(self.__adm_auth_info['username'], self.__adm_auth_info['password'])
+        answer = "http://{0}/cmd.cgi?{1}".format(self.__device_ip, urllib.request.pathname2url(data))
+        basic64 = b"Basic " + base64.encodestring(auth_str.encode('ascii')).replace(b'\n', b'')
+        req = urllib.request.Request(answer)
+        req.add_header("Authorization", basic64)
+        with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
+            return response.read().replace(b'\r\n', b'')
+    def turn_all_on(self):
+        action = self.__ACTIONS['AlterAllSlots']
+        try:
+            reply = self.__exec_inst(
+                action['inst_code'], action['breathe_time'],
+                self.__SLOT_STATUS['ON'], None)
+            if reply == self.__FAIL_CODE:
+                raise RPSGenFailException("RPS failed when turn all outlets on",None)
+        except (RPSGenHwException, RPSGenFailException) as e:
+            raise
+    def turn_all_off(self):
+        action = self.__ACTIONS['AlterAllSlots']
+        try:
+            reply = self.__exec_inst(
+                action['inst_code'], action['breathe_time'],
+                self.__SLOT_STATUS['OFF'], None)
+            if reply == self.__FAIL_CODE:
+                raise RPSGenFailException("RPS failed when turn all outlets off",None)
+        except (RPSGenHwException, RPSGenFailException) as e:
+            raise
+    def turn_on_by_id(self, outlet_id):
+        action = self.__ACTIONS['AlterSlot']
+        try:
+            reply = self.__exec_inst(
+                action['inst_code'], action['breathe_time'],
+                outlet_id, self.__SLOT_STATUS['ON'])
+            if reply == self.__FAIL_CODE:
+                raise RPSGenFailException("RPS failed when turn outlet on",outlet_id)
+        except (RPSGenHwException, RPSGenFailException) as e:
+            raise
+    def turn_off_by_id(self, outlet_id):
+        action = self.__ACTIONS['AlterSlot']
+        try:
+            reply = self.__exec_inst(
+                action['inst_code'], action['breathe_time'],
+                outlet_id, self.__SLOT_STATUS['OFF'])
+            if reply == self.__FAIL_CODE:
+                raise RPSGenFailException("RPS failed when turn outlet off",outlet_id)
+        except (RPSGenHwException, RPSGenFailException) as e:
+            raise
diff --git a/devauto/rps/hw/rpsgen.py b/devauto/rps/hw/rpsgen.py
index dea0119..8eaee0f 100644
--- a/devauto/rps/hw/rpsgen.py
+++ b/devauto/rps/hw/rpsgen.py
@@ -13,11 +13,23 @@ class RPSGen:
     def __init__(self, outlet_count):
         self.outlet_count = outlet_count
-    def turn_all_on():
+    def turn_all_on(self):
-    def turn_all_off():
+    def turn_all_off(self):
-    def turn_on_by_id(outlet_id):
+    def turn_on_by_id(self,outlet_id):
-    def turn_off_by_id(outlet_id):
+    def turn_off_by_id(self,outlet_id):
+class RPSGenHwException(Exception):
+    """Remote power switch base exception for hw."""
+    def __init__(self, msg, edata):
+        super(RPSGenHwException, self).__init__(msg)
+        self.edata = edata
+class RPSGenFailException(Exception):
+    """Remote power switch base exception for fails."""
+    def __init__(self, msg, edata):
+        super(RPSGenFailException, self).__init__(msg)
+        self.edata = edata

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