[Automated-testing] Test Automation Frameworks: Test result format

Markus Boos Markus.Boos at kistler.com
Mon Sep 8 05:48:09 PDT 2014


I know there was a discussion ongoing a while ago:
Automated testing on real hardware (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.openembedded.core/45907)

But following the recent discussion on this mailing list open up more questions to me.

The TI guys made a framework called arago (http://arago-project.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) based on STAF (http://staf.sourceforge.net/).

Then we have the well-known LAVA framework. 

Both of them are suitable IMO as a system test framework but not for acceptence tests.

For acceptance tests robotframework comes into play (for us) and it allows me to write system tests as well.

Is there one common "language" or file type to publish results from the tools above?

Kind regards

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