[Automated-testing] [Script] sed/awk script to format googletest output for ptest

Markus Boos Markus.Boos at kistler.com
Tue Nov 4 22:30:08 PST 2014


We made a small sed script to format the googletest output to the ptest format (aka automake).
This is useful if you want to run your googletest within the ptest-runner.

Signed-off-by: peter.ducai at kistler.com	
Signed-off-by: markus.boos at kistler.com


sed -r 's/^\[\s+OK\s+\] (.*) \([0-9]+\sms\)$/PASS: \1 /' | \
sed -r 's/^\[\s+FAILED\s+\] (.*) \([0-9]+\sms\)$/FAIL: \1 /' | \
awk '{if ($1 == "PASS:" || $1 == "FAIL:") {print $0}}'

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